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2020 In Review

Elena Boskov-Kovacs

This past year was like no other before it. Marked by a worldwide pandemic that all of our team experienced in #lockdown - not to mention a few #earthquakes (#Zagreb), terror attacks (#Vienna) - we really committed to getting through 2020 by making some sense of it. We aimed not only to survive, but to thrive.

In addition to welcoming a New Year, here is also gratitude for the old one to the team at Blueprint Energy Solutions that made it all happen.

Although this short 1 minute video with "Key Moments from 2020" cannot convey all the extra hours of effort, times spent stranded at airports with rescheduled flights away from the family, waiting for borders to reopen or video calls with unplanned junior participants in the background, we would like to say big 'thank you' to our entire team and our partners.

Take care, happy holidays and let's start 2021 even stronger.

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